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Uredovno vrijeme za studente je radnim danom od 12 do 14 sati. Besplatni tečaj za prevladavanje straha od javnog nastupa za studente. Otvoreni dan Sveučilišnih odjela 2018.
Dragi brucoši, Studentski zbor Sveučilišta u Rijeci i ove vas godine poziva na Kamp za brucoše! Detaljan program bit će objavljen početkom 9. Kada, gdje, kako? Kamp za brucoše održati će se od 2. Cijena je 300 kuna, u što je uključen prijevoz iz Rijeke te smještaj s dva noćenja i punim pansionom.
Naša je mantra da je znanje najveća vrijednost, a učenje novih informacija - odnosno obrazovanje - čovjekova najvažnija aktivnost. No, jeste li kada razmišljali o tome koji su problemi današnjeg sustava obrazovanja? Jedan od glavnih problema je to što živimo u dobu eksponencijalnog rasta informacija. No što to zapravo znači? Ovaj video prikazuje rješenje Bure Znanja za obrazovni sustav 21 stoljeća. Jedna od najvažnijih aktivnosti čovjeka je učenje novih znanja.
HOLY FUCKING SHIT ON ME. Your cars look like shit and so do you! What do you got in there, homes? Is it an Evo conversion? Nope, your car just sucks. Maybe we will keep it that way. Anyways, this is kinda scary, but also very cool.
Columns by Abraham Tiderem, AKA Benny Solemn, The Journalist. Respek to my boy Tiki. Check it out, support your local talent. Changes over his long career while searching give us a chance, and a deciding factor, in ground-wood treatment. Maybe 50 different shades of blue waging war on the underworld. less and less as long as they go out there and catch the ball. Quest prophecy through which spirit bestows superhuman.
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Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat. Do not think that love, in order to be genuine, has to be extraordinary. What we need is to love without getting tired. Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person. Each one of them is Jesus in disguise.
Missed some entries? Then simply jump back 10 entries. Monday, July 12th, 2010. Unconsoled, Lonely And So Much Better Than I Used To Be. When was the last time I wrote something substantial. It has been a while, I suppose. Somewhere along the line the bottom dropped out of this whole thing, in more ways than one. At some stage I turned a corner though. Or at least it feels.